Friday, March 29, 2013


Need I say...even with my killer skills at getting a deal on food, I went to bed my first night hungry. However, after my middle-of-the night snack and a poor night's sleep the first night, I had managed to make it through day one eating healthy, organic food. Still, I couldn't last like that and go through my typical day without burning up all of my energy and crashing. I had A little over $22 left to spend and desperate measures were called for....

SMOOTHIES! My first day I lived, largely off of smoothies made of ice, kale, banana and a date, plus a honey packet in each I picked up in the coffee/tea café section at the Coop (shhhhhhhhh!). I went to bed only to awake- hungry. That NEVER happens. I made myself a baked potato and ate it with salt and some mustard from a packet I also picked up for "free" at the coop's Deli counter (Shhhhh). It tasted amazing.

My nearly-post-less week of eating on $7/day comes to an end. Here's the deal: Monday I buy 2 large bunches of Kale for $3.98. I'd already bought 1/2 pound of organic rice for 80 cents, 5 bananas for $1.01 (!) and $1.50 worth of organic dates, or, 5 dates. Add to that $3.67 for the organic, fair trade coffee beans and I'd spent $10.98. Add-in a few small potatoes and I was already at $12.20 spent. I knew I'd need more food for my 5 days but I was off to a good start. ALL of the food I bought was on special, and cost considerably less than the regular prices. Much of what I bought at Madison Food Coop and bought most of my goods in bulk. The bananas came from Safeway, where I'd loaded up my Safeway card with a special "custom" deal from their "JustForU" program for bananas that cost only 44 cents per pound.